Course curriculum

    1. Podcast Conversation - Discovering the Essential

    2. Touching the Tides of our Being

    3. Ampuku at the Heart of Shiatsu

    1. Chong Mai Treatment Video

    2. Chong Mai Theory

    3. Ampuku Zukai T1 Bunpai

    4. Ampuku Zukai T2 Bunroku

    5. Huatuojiaji 華佗夾脊

    6. Anma Tebiki T2 Migi Kyokotsu

    7. Vertebral Rocking

    8. Rib Rocking

    9. Chong Mai Resources - Muscles - Membranes 肓 Huāng points

    10. Ishizaka and the Great Chong Mai

    11. Chong Mai Magnet treatment

    1. Dai Mai Treatment video

    2. Dai Mai Theory

    3. Anma Tebiki #15 ROTO NO TE

    4. Anma Tebiki #14 SHOMON NO TE

    5. Dai Mai Magnet treatment

    1. Liver Anatomy

    2. Liver — General Information

    3. Liver Mobility Evaluation and Treatment

    4. Attachments of the Liver

    5. Visceral Osteopathic Techniques for the Liver

    6. Visceral Osteopathic Techniques for the Gallbladder

    7. Internal Trajectories of the Gallbladder and Liver Meridians

    1. Spleen Video VM

    1. Stomach Video VM

    2. Large Intestine Video VM

About this course

  • €482,00
  • 73 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content