Ampuku Visceral Therapy
Hybrid format course, combining in-person (2 or 3 days) + online studies (10 hours). Focus: Lower Dantien (下丹田) This course is reserved for the students who are enrolled for this course through
Welcome and Info
Ampuku at the Heart of Shiatsu
Touching the Tides of our Being
Ampuku Zukai 13 Traditional Ampuku Techniques
Opening the CHONG MAI
Opening the DAI MAI
Anma Tebiki #15 ROTO NO TE
Anma Tebiki #14 SHOMON NO TE
Edo-period DAI and CHONG MAI
Huatuojiaji 華佗夾脊
Ampuku Zukai Back Kata
Thoracic Pump
Ampuku Zukai T1 Bunpai
Anma Tebiki T2 Migi Kyokotsu
Ampuku Zukai T2 Bunroku
Rib Rocking
Vertebral Rocking
Overview techniques
Thoracic pump VIDEO
Windows of Heaven PDF